Lucia de Enzinas
Baroness Lucia de Enzinas, OL (she/her) is a noble in the court of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the mid to late 16th century. Land-hungry tyrant, or champion of the people, only history will decide.
Lucia is also a 11th Century/Iron age Curonian (Kursi) from a Baltic tribe focused in and around Lithuania-Latvia boarder.
Lucia currently resides in the Barony of Ben Dunfirth.
- Device: Azure, an escallop and on a chief argent three cinquefoils azure.
- Badge: (Fieldless) a sprig of medlar fructed proper.
Office and Appointments
Current Office
Past Offices
Lord Clerk Register - Kingdom of Ealdormere
- Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences - KIngdom of Ealdormere
Clerk Register - Kingdom Signet Office
- Territorial Baroness - Barony of Skraeling Althing
SCA History
Lucia joined the Society sometime around 2000 and is married to Baron Giovanni de Enzinas MoD, OL.
She was apprenticed to Mistress Siglinde Harfnerstochter OL, OP. She has four apprentices: Master Brand Thorwaldsen, OP, OL, Lord Eoin MacAlpin , Lady Maggie of Ealdormere and Lady Tigrane Sendell with whom she pledges to enable in all things (with kindness).
She was protégéd to Baron Brand Thorwaldsen, OP, OL, and has six protégés Mistress Siglinde Harfnerstochter OL, OP, and Mistress Eluned verch Angor OL, Mistress Alais de Poitiers OL, Dame Marguerite Gingraix OL, Baroness Meredyth Llwellyn and The Honourable Lord Michael Corviser CoW, with whom she pledges to enable shenanigans, or at least enable laughter and provide a suitable alibi.
Lucia's household is called “Moose House” because Lady Maggie wants to carve us a sign on a moose antler.
- Cooking (published cookbook author, currently booking for “Ealdormere Eats” Weekly Zoom classes)
- Oil Painting (portraits and still life)
- Scribal Arts (calligraphy, illumination, and wordsmith)
- Stone Carving (currently working on a amber chess piece, for a White Wolf Fian challenge)
- awards:Friend of the Hare - November 2, 2023
- Great Chalice of Skraeling Althing * - November 12, 2022
- Order of the Pelican - November 27th, 2021
- Companion of the Order of the Laurel February 2019
- Companion of the Wain August 2017
- Order of the Crucible - June 29th, 2013
- Award of the Maiden's Heart - November 6th, 2010
- Award of Orion - November 18th, 2006
- Award of Arms - August 14th, 2001
- Scroll of Honour - September 19th, 2009 (For scribal contributions throughout the Reign of Roak IV and Jocea II)
Other Activities
- Completed A&S 50 challenge
- Member of the Order of the White Wolf Fian
- Completed a cookbook based on medieval cooking experiences.
- Wrote Big Buttes Book: Annotated version of Henry Buttes _Dyets Dry Dinner_(1599) published by 5 Rivers Press
- Patron of Royal Guild of Ealdormerian Feast Cooks
- Member of the Northern Guild of Painters
Contact Information
Lucia can be reached by email.