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Robyn Whystler


Robyn Whystler lives during the mid-late 16th century in England.


Canton Der Welfengau in the Barony of Ramshaven within the Kingdom of Ealdormere.


Device: Or, perched on a wooden lyre a robin proper, a bordure gules semy-of-trilliums Or.

Badge: Fieldless, perched on a wooden lyre a robin proper.

Current Office(s)

Chatelaine of Der Welfengau since 2021.

Past Offices

Minister of Arts & Sciences of Der Welfengau somewhere around 1997/98

SCA History

  • Joined the SCA in 1987 during my first year at the University of Guelph.
  • Attended Pennsic as a merchant selling paper/printed items, pewter cast pendants, transverse flutes and rommelpots.
  • I was less active starting around 1999/2000
  • Returned to attend an the Known World Dance Symposium in
  • Returned to bring some friends to a Coronation in 2015.
  • Became active again in 2019/2020 only to have the Pandemic intervene before I could start eventing again.
  • Became Chatelaine of Der Welfengau in early 2021
  • Blissfully returned to attending events in November/December of 2021, and then the Pandemic intervened again.



  • instrumental for dancing
  • instrumental in consort
  • casual singing in parts (baritone)
  • making musical instruments
  • teaching about history, instruments, and musicianship
  • arranging
  • composing
  • transcribing
  • period instruments I play: recorders, flute, gemshorn, crumhorns, racket, rauschpfieffe, shawms, harpsichord, viola da gamba, moraharpa (keyed fiddle), harp, citole, rommelpot :), Eunuch flute :), percussion including jaw harp, tabors, tamborines…
  • non-period instruments I play: domra (3 stringed lute), mandolin, lap dulcimer, ocarina, bowed psaltery, autoharp, clarinet, accordion, concertina, jingling johnny :) …


  • playing music!
  • dancing!
  • transcribing dance
  • composing dances and music for dance


  • linocuts, eraser cuts, and woodcuts

Scribal Arts:

  • calligraphy
  • illumination


  • instrument making
  • boxes
  • carving

Fibre Arts:

  • weaving (card weaving, frame loom, cardboard loom)
  • knitting


  • clay
  • wood

Garb Creation


  • early music performance practice
  • early musical instruments
  • early music printing
  • dance
  • period architecture
  • period pottery


Other Activities

I design for lasercutting, 3d printing, and virtual worlds. Some of my design is focussed on period things (ie. prototyping instruments, marginalia cut outs, Trillium Hall)

Contact Information

I can be found on facebook as T. Shawn Johnson.

Trillium Hall: Find out about Trillium Hall, a virtual gathering room for Ealdormere here: https://trilliumhall.neocities.com


DEVICE: Or, perched on a wooden lyre a robin proper, a bordure gules semy-of-trilliums Or.


BADGE: Fieldless, perched on a wooden lyre a robin proper.
people/robyn_whystler.1641435933.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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