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Eral of Alwoodley


Eral of Alwoodley (he/him) is a 13th-century Englishman.


Eral currently resides in the Shire of Starleaf Gate, in the Middle Kingdom; however, he is active within the Shire of Champcorbeau.


  • Device: Azure, on a pall Or between two stags combatant argent a triangle throughout gules.

Current Office(s)

Past Offices

SCA History

Eral started in the Society in 1993. He was squired to Sir Raymond D'Anjou, and is now Man-at-Arms to Sir Ragnar Drakkarson.



Other Activities

Eral enjoys teaching people about the skills he knows, and is always willing to try to learn new things.

Contact Information

Eral can be reached by email.

Add a link to your blog or other external website.

Arms: Azure, on a pall Or between two stags combatant argent a triangle throughout gules.
people/eral_of_alwoodley.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/20 02:13 by Dietrich von Sachsen

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