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Cecilia the Sinister

Cecilia the Sinister is a 15th-century woman who usually lives in Italy, and is barely a member of the nobility (she has absolutely no troubles with disguising herself as a merchant's daughter badly pretending to be nobility). At other times, Cecilia lives in England; or wherever and whenever really, as long as there is dancing.

Although always a woman vague about her exact past, it has come to light recently that Cecilia has twin children, a son and daughter: Aaron and Aerin. Their father (her husband of course ) is sadly absent because he died at sea, at war, in a really, really terrible accident involving several runaway horses and the worst traffic jam Verona has ever seen, um Cecilia isn't terribly good at remembering how her husband died actually. Or if he's maybe just away on business. Magistra Roselyne once delicately asked Cecilia if she is a Dutch Widow but Cecilia has never been to Holland.


Cecilia currently resides in the Canton of Caldrithig, within the Barony of Skraeling Althing.


  • Device: Per fess azure and argent, a talbot couchant argent and a house gules.

Offices and Appointments

Current Office

Past Offices

  • Exchequer - Canton of Caldrithig (2019-2021)
  • Webminister - Canton of Caldrithig (2-3 years in the mid 2000s)

SCA History

Japhia took Cecilia to a dance practice, and she tried going to events shortly afterwards.

Cecilia's first event was Feast of the Hare in 1997.


And occasionally dabbling in other A&S activities.

Cecilia bound a book, this one time.

Cecilia is trying to help further the Temari Ball Apocalypse.


Other Activities

Cecilia is Not Apprenticed to anybody.

She is certainly Not Apprenticed (TM) to Jamie FitzMordain Blackcloak.

She has a belt that is not green (it says so right on the belt: Ceci n'est pas une ceinture verte) and has ceremoniously eaten ice cream with Jamie to formalize that she is Not Apprenticed to him.

Contact Information

Cecilia can be contacted via email, Facebook, text message, interpretative dance… really, she's not picky.

Arms: (Per fess azure and argent, a talbot couchant argent and a house gules.
people/cecilia_the_sinister.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/17 17:20 by Dietrich von Sachsen

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