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Lucia de Enzinas


Baroness Lucia de Enzinas, OL (she/her) is a noble in the court of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the mid to late 16th century. Land-hungry tyrant, or champion of the people, only history will decide.

Lucia is also a 11th Century/Iron age Curonian (Kursi) from a Baltic tribe focused in and around Lithuania-Latvia boarder.


Lucia currently resides in the Canton of Caldrithig, within the Barony of Skraeling Althing.


  • Device: Azure, an escallop and on a chief argent three cinquefoils azure.
  • Badge: (Fieldless) a sprig of medlar fructed proper.

Office and Appointments

Current Office

Lucia currently holds no offices.

Past Offices

SCA History

Lucia joined the Society sometime around 2000 and is married to Baron Giovanni de Enzinas MoD, OL.

She was apprenticed to Mistress Siglinde Harfnerstochter OL. She has three apprentices: Master Brand Thorwaldsen, OP., OL., Lord Eoin MacAlpin and Lady Maggie of Ealdormere with whom she pledges to enable (with kindness).

She was protégéd to Baron Brand Thorwaldsen, OP, OL, and has one protégé Mistress Siglinde Harfnerstochter OL, with whom she pledges to enable shenanigans, or at least enable laughter and provide a suitable alibi.



Other Activities

Contact Information

Lucia can be reached by email.

See Also

Arms: Azure, an escallop and on a chief argent three cinquefoils azure.
Badge: (Fieldless) a sprig of medlar fructed proper.
people/lucia_de_enzinas.1662217027.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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