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Gina Dragoni
Baronessa Gina Dragoni is a 14th-century Italian lady born August 22nd, 1338 CE in Spoleto on the Italian Peninsula. She now resides in Portsmouth, England, with her husband Lord Richard of Dragon Castle, a wealthy merchant.
Gina's life in her own words is as follows:
“I was born in Italy in Palazzo Dragoni, which is in the centre of Spoleto next to the Cathedral. The palace, whose most ancient rooms were built in the 9th century over Roman ruins, is located in the highest and most beautiful place of Spoleto, commanding the whole valley down to Assisi. Spoleto is nestled in the hills of the Umbria region.
The city of Spoleto is 79 roman miles from Rome and would take 7 days of hard riding to reach there. But even at that distance Spoleto was always loyal to Rome and the church.
It is the year 1383 in ordinary time during the reign of his holiness Pope Urban VI (since 1378).
My loving father is a fabric merchant. He did not want to get involved in public administration like many of my uncles and brothers; nor was he interested in farming like some of my other uncles. As a fabric merchant, he is very well known and popular in the city for the variety and quality of cloth and his fair prices. He made my dowry 200 measures (arms spans) of fabric. What a generous man he is.
I met a merchant who was traveling from England. He talked to my father at great lengths. They made several good business deals and before he left, he had also asked for my hand in marriage. When I realized that my husband-to-be had the same name as his king, Richard II, I knew that he would be a good man to marry. Alas, Richard of Dragon Castle.
I had never thought of leaving my beautiful Spoleto before, but for my lord, I would travel the world - which I did. It was a very long trip to his home in England, and much more damp than I was used to, but I had much fabric to cover me and keep me warm.
My mother taught me many skills that I might need when I marry. I was instructed on the steps of creating wool from sheering the sheep through spinning the yarn and weaving the fabric. My favourite is actually creating clothes from the woven material, though usually the servants do most of the hard work. She also taught me how to make soap and paper; how to cook; and to keep a watchful eye on the staff, all of which are necessary in the running of a prosperous home.
Our crest has been in the family for years. It is an ancient helm with the Dragon perched on top. The Dragon is a great mythical creature from which the Dragoni family derived their name. It symbolizes strength and security. The legend says that there were two kingdoms that were united under one ruler as determined on the battlefield. That ruler wore the ancient Dragon helm. The legendary dragon only recognized the single ruler (the man who wore that ancient helm) and protected both kingdoms. There was an argument and a single ruler could not be recognized. Without a single ruler both kingdoms perished since the dragon could and would not protect them. Richard’s heraldry is part of that same legend. His banner shows a lion clutching onto a dragon’s golden egg. This is the dragon that would protect the kingdoms. So you see, we were destined to be together.
I now lead a very happy life in my home in the city of London in the country of England with my husband and child. I tried to be a good Catholic and give my love many healthy children, but alas it was not meant to be. I have provided him with a handsome heir who will take care of us in our old age.
My dear gentles, this is the story of my life, as I have unfolded it before you.”
Gina currently resides in the Barony of Skraeling Althing, in the Canton of Caldrithig.
Offices and Appointments
Current Office(s)
Minister of Arts & Sciences - Canton of Caldrithig (April 2022 - present)
- Pennsic University Volunteer Coordinator - Pennsic war 48 onwards (keeping the University point running smoothly for teachers and students through this 2-week event)
Past Offices
- Deputy Chatelaine - Canton of Harrowgate Heath (2004- May 2006)
- Chirurgeon in-training - Kingdom of Ealdormere (Started as in 2006)
- Chirurgeon - Kingdom of Ealdormere (Nov 2007 – Nov 2014 and still informally)
- Largess Coordinator - Kingdom of Aethelmearc (for Queen Anna Leigh's 2018-2019 reign)
SCA History
Gina joined the SCA as carded member in 2001, in Caldrithig. Eventually moved over to Canton of Harrowgate Heath to assist in the forming and support of the new canton in January, 2004. With the closure of Harrowgate Heath in 2019, she and her husband moved back to Caldrithig.
- Pennsic war Senior Staff (representing Kingdom) - Volunteer coordinator for University Point (2019 - present)
- volunteered at First Aid Point (including several times as CIC), Security watch & DART several times every Pennsic.
- co-feast steward at Feast of the Hare (Nov 2004)
* Lunch steward:
- Fowl Winter’s Night (Mar 4th, 2006)
- Tor Brant event (Dandelion Festival May 2006)
- Practicum (Caldrithig - Feb 24, 2007)
- Practicum (Caldrithig - Feb 2008)
- Summer Siege event (June 19, 2010)
- lunch & feast steward for Summer Siege event (Jun 23, 2012)
- Autocratted premier event for canton of Harrowgate Heath (ne Offangard)
- Marshal Meadows Festival event (July 23, 2005)
- Archery at Marshal Meadows event (May 31, 2008)
- Co-autocratted Summer Siege event (June 20/09)
- Border Spat - for Love or Vengeance (May 12, 2012)
- Assisted at gate at Break the Back of Winter (Tor Brant Jan 2005)
- Merchanted Canton store
- St. Maximus Day in Stratford - April 8th, 2006
- Coronation - Oct 2007
- Feast of the Hare - Nov 15, 2008
- Refreshment coordinator - Marshal Meadows: Feast of Love (Jun 10th, 2006)
- Children's activity coordinator - Skraeling Althing Twelfth Night (Jan 6, 2007)
- Registration steward at Hallowmas event (Nov 3, 2007)
- Court Herald for Lucia and Giovanni of Skraeling Althing
- Coronation (Apr 24, 2010)
- Feast of the Hare (Nov 6 2010)
- Spring Crown Tournament (Spring 2011)
- Their Majesties court Herald - Dandelion Festival (May 15, 2010)
- Senior Pennsic war Staff as Pennsic war University Volunteer Coordinator (2018-current)
SCA Teaching:
- Soapmaking - Dandelion Festival event (May 2004)
- Candlemaking - Dandelion Festival event (May 2004) & canton level (winter 2008)
- Hood making - canton of Harrowgate Heath (Mar 16, 2008)
- Chair cover - canton of Harrowgate Heath(Sept 21, 2008)
- Presentation Skills - Pennsic war (3 classes in 2009 & 2 classes in 2011)
- Tunic making class - canton of Harrowgate Heath- Fall 2010
- Introduction to Weaving (2 classes in 2017 at Pennsic war)
- Making a Fibula (Roman Brooch) in 2019 at Practicum event
- Making a Fibula (Roman Brooch) classes in 2020 (virtual), 2021 (Virtual), 2022 and 2023 at Pennsic war event
Demonstration/Teaching participation:
- Inkerman school demo (22 Jan 05)
- Morewood school demo (Feb 15/05; April 2, 2008)
- Kemptville Dairyfest demonstration (Aug 7, 2004; Aug 6, 2005; Jun 3, 2006; June 2, 2007; May 30, 2009)
- Chesterville Market demo (Jun 26, 2004; Sep 17/05; Sep 16th, 2006; August 25, 2007; August 23, 2008; May 23, 2009)
- Winchester Dairyfest Festival (August 12, 2006)
- Girl Guides demo (Jun 9/07)
- Big Sky Ranch Animal Sanctuary (Woodstock July 7, 2007)
- Winston Churchill Alternative Elementary school (May 2, 2008)
- Osgoode Medieval festival demo (Jul 13/08; July 11/09; July 2010; July 9-11, 2011; July 6-8, 2012)
- University of Guelph, Kemptville campus (spring 2011)
- Upper Canada Village (June 8-11, 2012).
Event participation outside of attendance:
- Co-feast steward at Feast of the Hare (Nov 2004);
- Lunch steward at Tor Brant event (Dandelion Festival May 2006);
- Autocratted premier event for canton of Harrowgate Heath (ne Offangard)
- Marshal Meadows Festival (July 23, 2005);
- Archery at Marshal Meadows (May 31, 2008);
- Co-autocratted Summer Siege event (June 20/09);
- Border Spat - for Love or Vengeance (May 12, 2012);
- Assisted at gate at Break the Back of Winter (Tor Brant Jan 2005);
- Lunch steward at Fowl Winter’s Night (Mar 4th, 2006);
- Merchanted canton store (St. Maximus Day in Stratford April 8th, 2006);
- Refreshment coordinator - Marshal Meadows: Feast of Love (Jun 10th, 2006);
- Children's activity coordinator - Skraeling Althing Twelfth Night (Jan 6, 2007);
- Lunch steward - Practicum (Caldrithig - Feb 24, 2007);
- Registration steward at Hallowmas event (Nov 3, 2007);
- Merchanted canton store (Coronation - Oct 2007);
- Merchanted canton store (Feast of the Hare - Nov 15, 2008);
- Lunch steward - Practicum (Caldrithig Feb 2008);
- Court Herald for Lucia and Giovanni of Skraeling Althing - Coronation (Apr 24, 2010);
- Court Herald for Quilliam I and Dagmar I - Dandelion Festival (May 15, 2010);
- Lunch Steward - Summer Siege event(June 19, 2010);
- Court Herald for Lucia and Giovanni of Skraeling Althing - Feast of the Hare (Nov 6 2010);
- Court Herald for Lucia and Giovanni of Skraeling Althing - Crown Tournament Spring Crown Tournament (Spring 2011);
- Autocratted Border Spat event between East Kingdom & Ealdormere (May 25, 2012);
- Pennsic war - volunteered at First Aid Point (including several times as CIC) and Security watch many times per event. Volunteered at Ealdormere Royal; 2017 Pennsic war Volunteered for Disability cart also. 2018 started volunteering for Watch base radio shifts.
- Lunch & feast steward for Summer Siege event (2012 and 2016);
- Assisted with Registration for Summer Siege event (2016)
- Judged A&S for Summer Siege event (2016)
- Assisted in making pewter site tokens for Summer Siege event (2017)
- Entered Queen's Prize Tourney with card woven belt (2016)
- Entered Pentathlon with hand sewn dress; mead; soap; pearl necklace and woven belt (2017)
- 2019 - Current Pennsic war volunteered as Senior staff to coordinate the volunteers and A&S point through Pennsic University Volunteer Coordinator
- Chandlery (i.e. Candle-making)
- Soap-making
- Paper-making
- Brewing (specifically Mead and Wine)
- Chirurgeon (i.e. First Aid)
- Public Speaking
Gina enjoys learning new skills; creating items that will be enjoyed by others; and providing service to her canton, barony, and kingdom(s) where she enjoys playing.
She also enjoys visiting other cantons, baronies and kingdoms and enjoying their events.
- Award of Arms – August 4th, 2001 (AS35)
- Order of the Hare Salient - July 23rd, 2005 (AS40)
- Award of the Maiden's Heart - September 2nd, 2006 (AS41)
- Award of Orion - November 2nd, 2013 (AS48)
- Award of the King’s Favour - April 28th, 2018 (reign of King Baldric)
- Court Barony - February 9th, 2019 (Foreign Honours; granted Queen Anna Leigh of Aethelmearc)
- Order of the Wain - November 12th, 2022
- Scroll of Honour - April 20th, 2024 (for providing largesse for the reign of Baldric II and Breyla II)
Contact Information
Gina can be reached via email.