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Dafydd ap Alan
His Excellency Dafydd ap Alan is a Welsh huntsman from the town of Swansea, on the south coast of Wales.
Dafydd currently resides in the Barony of Ramshaven after having lived in the Barony of Skraeling Althing for many years.
- Device: Azure, a calamarie argent and on a chief invected Or two caravels sable.
- Badge: (Fieldless) A calamarie azure.
Offices and Appointments
Current Offices
- Order Secretary - Order of the Crucible
Past Offices
- Territorial Baron - Barony of Skraeling Althing (November 3rd, 2018 - November 13th, 2021)
Past Appointments
- Queen's Champion for Her Majesty Breyla
- Thrown Weapons Champion - Barony of Skraeling Althing (2015-16 and 2016-17)
- Rapier Champion - Barony of Skraeling Althing (2009-10 and 2016-17)
SCA History
As Baronial Chronicler, Dafydd was nominated for a society-level William Blackfox award in AS 45 for best layout and design. He was nominated again in AS 46 for best overall newsletter. He also received an honourable mention in AS 52 for his photography contribution documenting Rick Mercer's visit to Feast of the Hare in late 2016.
Dafydd first authorized as a rapier combatant at Spring Crown Tourney in 2009, becoming a marshal in 2011. He has been Rapier Marshall in Charge at various events over the years (usually 1-2 a year).
Dafydd's cooking experience includes serving as co-feastocrat at Hallowmas in Harrowgate Heath in 2007; co-lunch steward at Feast of the Hare in 2009 (with proceeds going to fund Baronial campsite improvements); assisting with feast (including acting as Allergy Liaison) at Border Spat in 2012 and acting as Allergy Liaison for the joint Septentria/Skraeling Althing Twelfth Night in 2013.
At events (particularly during court), Dafydd can often be found taking pictures, which he posts to Facebook and his SmugMug photo account to share with the populace.
Dafydd is apprenticed to Mistress Ælfwyn et Langanwuda.
Dafydd is married to Her Excellency Avelyn Wexcombe of Great Bedwyn. Together with The Honourable Lady Emelote of Calais they run the Inn of the Surly Mermaid. Avelyn and Dafydd are officially the Unofficial Caretakers of the Septentrian High Commission in Skraeling Althing.
He is a member of Clan Talfryn Tylwyth.
Classes Available
Dafydd has developed or is planning a number of SCA relevant classes that he teaches at area events. These include:
Already Available:
- Period Leather Dyes (Taught at Pennsic, Practicum and War of the Trillium in recent years)
- Dealing with the media for the SCA - Jointly with Her Excellency Avelyn Wexcombe of Great Bedwyn (Taught at the 2017 Service Symposium)
- Going From 2D to 3D – Reproducing a Period Leather Item from a Picture (Taught at Practicum 2017)
Planned/In Development:
- Period leather tooling
- Leather filigree/cutwork techniques
- Order of the Wain - November 13th, 2021 (Feast of the Hare)
- Court Barony - November 13th, 2018 (Baron of Skraeling Althing November 3rd, 2018 - November 13th, 2021)
- Award of the Queen's Favour - September 22nd, 2018
- Order of Thorbjorn's Hammer - August 6th, 2018
- Scroll of Honour - February 10, 2018 (Finalist Rapier Tournament of Renown)
- Order of the Crucible - November 5, 2016 (Feast of the Hare)
- Scroll of Honour - November 5, 2016 (For Contributions to the Rick Mercer Report)
- Award of Orion - November 22, 2014
- Award of the Scarlet Banner - June 28, 2014 (Trillium War)
- Award of the Maiden's Heart - September 28th, 2013 (Fall Coronation)
- Order of the Hare Valiant - November 6th, 2010
- Bunny Tail - 2008
- Award of Arms - August 30th, 2008
External Links
Dafydd's leatherworking blog can be found here: Leather Goods for the Discerning Kraken