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Baldric Leeman of NewCastle Emlyn


Duke Baldric Leeman of NewCastle Emlyn (he/him) is a 15th Century fighter who began his journeys in the town of NewCastle Emlyn, along the south-east shore of England. The town was originally named Emlyn, but after fortifications were built to make it more defensible, the town's name was changed. It was there that Baldric learned the fine art of fencing, and after a trip to France, made a name for himself teaching fencing to all who would learn - for a price.

During his travels, Baldric met a lovely lady who stole his heart and left him wanting for nothing but to make her happy. The lady would be his mundane wife, Lady Brayla La Viennette. She inspires him daily, and keeps him from getting into too much trouble. After bringing her back with him to England, Baldric began to learn the art of Armoured Combat, so that he could find a higher level of employment within one of the many Baronies throughout the lands.

After meeting with some small success, Baldric met a great Earl who saw within him some potential, and perhaps a need for a small amount of discipline. Earl Syr David Martin Failsworth did offer him the belt of a squire that Baldric might improve and learn from him and that he may aid Syr David in whatever he should ask. Baldric did accept that belt with great happiness and have pledged his honour to uphold David's oath as if it were his own; and treat all that he meet with the same courtesy and honour as David would. He is doing his best to uphold that pledge.


Baldric currently resides in the Barony of Skraeling Althing.


  • Device: Argent, a unicornate dragon's head contourny couped gules, on a chief sable three dexter gauntlets clenched argent.

Current Office(s)

Baldric currently holds no offices.

Past Offices

SCA History

Baldric sat the throne as the 40th King of Ealdormere with his lovely wife Breyla La Viennette by his side. He reigned again with Breyla as the 69th King of Ealdormere.



Other Activities

Baldric has been playing this game for over 30 years and has friends that span all the Kingdoms, and all over most of the world. He would have it no other way.

Contact Information

Baldric can be reached via email.

Add a link to your blog or other external website.

Arms: Argent, a unicornate dragon's head contourny couped gules, on a chief sable three dexter gauntlets clenched argent.
Sir Baldric Leeman, looking majestic as always.
people/baldric_leeman_of_newcastle_emlyn.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/02 16:40 by Dietrich von Sachsen

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