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Arnora Dunestan


The Honourable Lady Arnora Dunestan is a late 14th Century English baronet's wife, from a minor Lancashire aristocratic family long affiliated with John of Gaunt and the House of Lancaster. She herself is a staunch Lancastrian supporter and sports the red roses of the House proudly.

Arnora has been and done a lot of things over 35 years, many of which can be loosely grouped under the heading, “Shenanigans and Sass,” and much of which cannot be disclosed because of statutes of limitations across several kingdoms. She mostly likes to ignore sumptuary laws in occasionally-incendiary ways, and displays a certain aptitude for schtick-handling in court.

She is also the long-standing official Ambassador between AEthelmearc and Ealdormere, a role which has absolutely zero political clout and yet has caused no end of consternation and face-palming amongst the royalty in both kingdoms.

All claims of a strange relationship to a shady character known as “Sister Insubstantia of the Holy Orifice” are complete conjecture and utter poppycock, not to be taken seriously.

Arnora is also the Sponsor and Principal of a 14thC tournament company, the Company of Our Ladys Heart (name registered with the Laurel Sovereign of Arms 19 December 2019), but the official chartering and launching of that company got deferred by a stupid for-realz Plague. She hopes to get back to that project Sometime Real Soon Now.


Without ever moving from her hometown, in the course of her life Arnora has been a subject of the Midrealm, the Barony of Septentria, the principality of Ealdormere, the kingdom of Ealdormere, and the kingdom of AEthelmearc.

Arnora currently (and indeed still) resides in the canton of Bryniau Tywynnog, now in the barony of Ramshaven rather than Septentria, but is a fealty-sworn subject of AEthelmearc.

“You can either know where Arnora -IS- or where she is -GOING-, but not both simultaneously.”


  • Device: Sable, a horseshoe inverted and on a chief argent three roses gules.
  • Badge 1: Per pale sable and argent, two serpents coiled erect addorsed counterchanged.
  • Badge 2: (Fieldless) A horseshoe inverted argent entwined by a riband, ends pendant in base, charged between the heels with a rose gules.

(There is an ongoing battle over whether horseshoes are supposed to be positioned upright to retain the luck, or aimed downward to allow luck to spill onto those passing under it, so “inverted” is open for debate; her device presentation has only ever shown the horseshoe pointed upwards, because that is truly inverted. Just ask the horse.)

Current Office(s)


Arnora avoids official responsibilities like the Plague.

Past Offices

In the past, Arnora has also been the occasional publisher of scandals and scurrilous rumours in broadsheet format, just for kicks.

SCA History



  • Shenanigans and sass.
  • Court schtick.
  • Poking at sumptuary laws with big sticks.
  • Tweaking the nose of authenticity mavens through creative applications of garb design.
  • Ridiculously-complicated embroidery projects.
  • Taking waaaaaay too much furniture to events.


Other Activities

That thing with the brussel sprouts is a True Story™.

That other thing with the Jello Shooters while heralding court, and heralding a procession from under head table, also True Stories™.

Wahini Redbeard? True Story™.

Wombat in her underwear for a friend's Laurelling ceremony? True Story™.

Flames of Hell, Poodle Skirt, Soft Kitty cotehardies? Sassy Latin motto cotehardies? Hawaiian-print Norse and Mongolian ensembles?? All very True Stories™.

Contact Information

Stand at the darkened crossroads on a moonless night and whisper my name into the wind*.

Or, y'know, HMU at an event on either side of the border.

*–Does not apply to Pennsic.

Arms: Sable, a horseshoe inverted and on a chief argent three roses gules.
Badge: Per pale sable and argent, two serpents coiled erect addorsed counterchanged.
Badge: (Fieldless) A horseshoe inverted argent entwined by a riband, ends pendant in base, charged between the heels with a rose gules.
people/arnora_dunestan.1664857395.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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