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Order of the Golden Otter

The Order of the Golden Otter was given to those who had demonstrated proficiency in a number of the arts and/or sciences. Companions of the order may place the initials CGO after their names, and may wear a medallion bearing the badge: Purpure, an otter sejant erect contourny within a bordure Or.

Along with all of the other awards given by the Principality of Ealdormere, this award was closed on October 17, 1998 in preparation for Ealdormere's transition from Principality to Kingdom.

Badge of the Order of the Golden Otter: (Purpure, an otter sejant erect contourny within a bordure Or.
awards/order_of_the_golden_otter.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/17 16:46 by Dietrich von Sachsen

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