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Order of the Rose

The Order of the Rose is an award recognized all across the Knowne World. Any person who has served as a Queen or King consort is automatically inducted into the order when she or he steps down from the throne.

As defined by corpora: “The Order of the Rose consists of former Royal Consorts of a kingdom. It is specifically charged with encouraging chivalrous and courteous behavior among all members of the Society.” (Corpora, Article VIII.A.4.f)

In Ealdormere, the Order of the Rose holds a Rose Tourney at War of the Trillium each year, where courtesy and chivalry are expected to the highest degree of all combatants. The only male member of the Order of the Rose is Duke Trumbrand the Wanderer, who inspired Duchess Kaylah the Cheerful in A.S. 54.

Regalia of the Order of the Rose: (Tinctureless) A wreath of roses.
awards/order_of_the_rose.1679955170.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 by

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