Xandra Rozina Xiberras Galea


Magistra Xandra Rozina Xiberras Galea, called Rozi (she/her), is Maltese, born to a daughter of the Xiberras family around 1530 CE and a member of a knight's household. She has traveled both in Italy and France.


Rozi currently resides in the Royal Citie of Eoforwic, in the Barony of Septentria.


Rozi does not have her own heraldry, but uses a red falcon, red and white checky, and a red-and-white Maltese cross in lieu of personal arms, based on her Maltese heritage.

Current Office(s)

Past Offices

Rozi has, at various times, held other rapier offices in the East Kingdom.

SCA History

Rozi started dancing and fencing in 1998; the fencing stuck. She has been doing various forms of metalwork approximately since then, enjoying making coronets and order medallions.

Rozi has ran several events in the East Kingdom, including seven Royal Progresses. She has also cooked for a few events (12th-century Persian), and made many scrolls. Rozi prefers non-standard scrolls that include wood or metal.



Other Activities

Rozi loves to teach, especially fencing - she loves figuring out what works best for different types of bodies. She knows enough about different period styles of fencing that she can help others figure out which one might work best for them, but she makes it known that it's also okay if all someone wants to do is go out there and have fun. She's happy to have fun alongside you!

Contact Information

Rozi can be contacted via email.

You can use the populace badge if you do not have heraldry.
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