House Maclachlan is the household headed by Count Evander Maclachlan with his wife Countess Marioun Golightly. Although formed originally around a Knight and his squires - and then a Laurel and her apprentices - House Maclachlan is not a hierarchical or formal household. Members are generally friends as well as relations by belts.
House Maclachlan was formed by Count Evander in A.S. 38.
Count Evander lives in Ben Dunfirth, but Greater Maclachlan is spread throughout Ealdormere. Sir Tiberius of Warwickshire lives in Septentria; Sir Varakhii Varenko Vlkovich lives in Skraeling Althing; and the squires are even more widely dispersed.
The knights and squires of Count Evander's lineage are listed in the Line of Evander.
The laurels and apprentices of Countess Marioun's lineage are listed in the Line of Marioun.
Count Evander, KSCA, OP, and Countess Marioun, OL, OP, head the household.
Others associated with the household