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Elsebeth Ffarberyn


Born in Nuremburg, Germany around 1490 into a family of dyers


Elsebeth currently resides in the Canton of Caldrithig in the Barony of Skraeling Althing


Yes flax and flax flowers, at the time it seemed I was on a constant quest for linen and linseed oil

Current Office(s)

Currently the Baronial Signet for Skrealing Althing

Past Offices

  • Baronial Clerk Register
  • Canton Clerk Register
  • Clerk Registar for the Ealdoremere Scribal College
  • Baronial Signet (1st time)
  • In a past life I was Seneschel for the Canton of Lionsdale, and Dance Mistriss

SCA History

My SCA history is rather varied. My first event was in the Barony of Castle Rouge in the 1990's from there I moved to Antir and was part of a a great group in Lionsdale (Abbotsford / Chilliwack area) just outside of the Barony of Lions Gate. Mostly I enjoyed the atmosphere. I have been able to meet some great people. I took a break from the SCA for about 15 years and started up again in Skraeling Althing . I have made lunches, organized merchants, learned new skills and crafts and learned some history from the knowledgable people around me. Overall a great experience.


  • Scribal Arts (illumination, calligraphy)
  • Painting (Egg Tempera and Oil)
  • Some sewing
  • Cooking


Other Activities

There have been many meat pies made for the Barony

  • Gate – Twelfth Night 2018
  • Site Facilitator – Coronation 2018
  • Lunch Cook - Feast of the Hare, Practicum and Coronation 2018
  • Autocrat – Kingdom Arts & Sciences 2017
  • Feastocrat – 2017-02-25
  • Merchant Liaison – Feast of the Hare 2017
  • Lunch Cook – 3 other Feast of the Hares, 1 practicum but don’t remember the years.

Contact Information

You can reach me by email here


people/elsebeth_ffarberyn.1606871526.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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