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Elsebeth Ffarberyn


Born in Nuremburg, Germany around 1490 into a family of dyers


Elsebeth currently resides in the Canton of Caldrithig in the Barony of Skraeling Althing


Yes flax and flax flowers, at the time it seemed I was on a constant quest for linen and linseed oil

Current Office(s)

Currently the Baronial Signet for Skrealing Althing

Past Offices

  • Baronial Clerk Register
  • Canton Clerk Register
  • Clerk Registar for the Ealdoremere Scribal College
  • Baronial Signet (1st time)

SCA History

My SCA history is rather varied. My first event was in the Barony of Castle Rouge in the 1990's from there I moved to Antir and was part of a a great group in Lionsdale (Abbotsford / Chilliwack area) just outside of the Barony of Lions Gate. Mostly I enjoyed the atmosphere. I have been able to meet some great people. I took a break from the SCA for about 15 years and started up again in Skraeling Althing . I have made lunches, organized merchants, learned new skills and crafts and learned some history from the knowledgable people around me. Overall a great experience.


  • Scribal Arts (illumination, calligraphy)
  • Painting (Egg Tempera and Oil)
  • Some sewing
  • Cooking


Other Activities

There have been many meat pies made for the Barony

  • Gate – Twelfth Night 2018
  • Site Facilitator – Coronation 2018
  • Lunch Cook - Feast of the Hare, Practicum and Coronation 2018
  • Autocrat – Kingdom Arts & Sciences 2017
  • Feastocrat – 2017-02-25
  • Merchant Liaison – Feast of the Hare 2017
  • Lunch Cook – 3 other Feast of the Hares, 1 practicum but don’t remember the years.

Contact Information

You can reach me by email here


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people/elsebeth_ffarberyn.1606871446.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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