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Ulvar van der Nederlanden


Ulvar van der Nederlanden is a Varangian Guardsman who has purchased a command within the Varangian Guard, living some time within the late 10th- and early 11th Century. He traveled from his homeland to the north to find his fortune in the south.


Ulvar currently resides near the Canton of Skeldergate, in the Barony of Septentria.


  • Device: Or a Dragon Sejant Affronty Wings Displayed Purpure. (Ulvar draws his dragon like a What's New Dragon.)

Offices and Appointments

Current Offices

(Let's just face it; he *is* At Large. Though no Bounty has been confirmed.)

Past Offices

(Ulvar is nicknamed “Ulvar the Officer”. Do you wonder why?)

Past Appointments

  • Pennsic Archery Champion (10 Times)
  • Baronial Archery Champion (2 times)
  • Kingdom Archery Champion
  • Principality Archery Champion
  • Pennsic Thrown Weapons Champion (3 Times)
  • Pennsic Unbelted Champions Team (2 Times)

SCA History

Ulvar was born in the Canton of Petrea Thule before he moved to Caer Draeth. He is “just trying to have some fun while enjoying the company of friends.”

He has a hat-trick of Honourable Lord Titles, which he likes to think makes him a Dishonourable Lord. This hasn't been confirmed in any way.

Ulvar is former member of the Petrea Thule Archery Corps. He is confirmed to be a Protege to Baron Dafydd Ap Sion.



Arms: Or a Dragon Sejant Affronty Wings Displayed Purpure.
people/ulvar_van_der_nederlanden.1587659581.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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