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Shahid al-Hasan
Sayyid Shahid al-Hasan is a 16th century Ottoman Turk.
Shahid currently resides in the Canton of Caldrithig, within the Barony of Skraeling Althing. He is originally from the Barony of Seagirt in An Tir.
- Device: Argent, a chevron azure between three crescents purpure, a bordure engrailed sable.
- Badge: Argent, three crescents one and two purpure.
- Motto: Aut viam inveniam aut faciam (I'll either find a way or make one).
Current Office(s)
- Territorial Baron - Skraeling Althing, Kingdom of Ealdormere (November 2nd, 2013- current)
- Marshal of the Field - Kingdom of Ealdormere (Armoured Combat)
Past Offices
- Armoured Combat Marshal in Training - Kingdom of An Tir
SCA History
- Shahid al Hasan is squired to Sir Baldric Leeman of NewCastle Emlyn.
- He has one Man at Arms: Konstantin Voronov.
- Awarded the Honor of being named a Huscarl for Queen Rylyn II.
- Man at Arms to Baron Ming Lum Pee, former Baron of Seagirt, An Tir.
- Polearm Commander for Tree House Armoured Combat unit, under command of Baron Ming Lum Pee.
- Order of Thorbjorn's Hammer - July 1st, 2014
- Scroll of Honour - August 31st, 2013 (For muddy dragon-wrangling at Trillium War 2013)
- Award of the Scarlet Banner - June 8th, 2013
- Order of the Black Hare - November 2012 (In recognition of contributions to the Arts & Sciences within the Barony of Skraeling Althing)
- Rock - August 20th, 2008 (Foreign Baronial Award: Barony of Seagirt; Awarded for outstanding service to the Barony)
- Award of Arms - June 11th, 2005 (Kingdom of An Tir)
Tournaments Won
- 2nd Place 2013 Trillium war Brewing competition (Beer category)
- 1st place Summer Siege Brewing Competition 2013
- Chivalry Prize – Hartwood Birthday Bash, An Tir
Other Activities
His wife and he host a monthly A&S day at their house. Activities include scribal arts, painting, cooking, brewing, costuming, weaving, knitting, leatherworking, armouring, and lots of discussion. Attendance is between 5 - 50 people depending on the season. These A&S days have been going on since October, 2011.
people/shahid_al-hasan.1466962955.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)