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Rubeus le Blont


Roughly 12thC French. He occasionally travels to learn new styles and variations of dance - his favourite of all the noble arts. He teaches when and where he can, and endeavours to improve his skill in this along the way. However, as a younger noble, his job is mostly to watch and listen and absorb. Sometimes he goes a little too far, trying nearly anything that catches his fancy. At the end of the day though, no matter how long his A&S project list may be, dance remains his one true passion.


Rubeus resides in the Barony of Septentria. He counts himself a member of the Canton of Vest Yorvik, although he is no stranger to Beremere and Monadh and sometimes visits their territories and people.


Sable, a fleur-de-lys argent, on a chief the same an open book between two musical notes sable.

Current Office(s)

Minister of A&S (Vest Yorvik) - Sept. 2018-Present
Chronicler (Septentria) - Nov. 2018-Present

Past Offices

Autocrat (Step Spritely) - Feb. 2020

SCA History

I LARPed with Penn and Lucia for years, during which time they would occasionally rant and rave about this thing known as the 'SCA'. I vaguely remember googling the group nearest to me, but found its website out of date and could only find information regarding heavy armoured combat (an activity which does not interest me). I decided against joining.

In January of 2018, I was at their home when they opened the 'Mayoral Box' from the Canton of Eoforwic; Lucia had just bought won the title at the recent 12th Night election. Everything inside fascinated me, and on a whim I re-googled the nearest group to me on my phone. Again I found the website out of date, but I still managed to dig up information on an event called 'Step Spritely', and it was to happen the following month… right behind my apartment! And it promised DANCE!

I decided to give this 'SCA thing' a try, and so I went. The day after, I once again visited the home of Penn and Lucia for a regularly-scheduled gaming session. For most of its duration, I was a vegetable on the couch, having danced long into the night.

“Are you tired?”
“… Yes.”

(pregnant pause)

“Do you think you'll do it again?”
“… Hell yes.”

And no one can get rid of me now. ^_^


DANCE! :-D Learning it, researching it, reconstructing it, teaching it, inventing it…

I occasionally dabble in other A&S areas such as weaving and sewing (the funny thing about garb is that it doesn't seem to make itself, no matter how long I glare at the materials…), calligraphy and illumination, woodwork, etc. However, none of these capture my interest for very long. Now dance on the other hand…

Rubeus also loves cats.



Other Activities/Info


Rubeus hates (despises [loathes]) surprises. Even 'good/nice' ones, like public praise. Undesirable reactions will occur. Ever wonder why he avoids Court? For the love of all that is good in the world, do not surprise him. Thank you!

people/rubeus_le_blont.1584836557.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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