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Roselyne de l'Estrangere
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Roselyne currently resides in the Barony of Septentria.
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SCA History
Roselyne began playing in the Barony of Carolingia, in the Kingdom of the East. A Long Time Ago.
Roselyne discovered, to her undying surprise, that she could love to dance, and learned to be forward in encouraging others to dance. She learned to take part in demos and to love sharing what we do with the general public. It used to be said that Carolingia's leading export was dancemasters, and Roselyne was eager to become part of that tradition when mundane considerations indicated that she would move to the North.
Roselyne came to Ealdormere shortly after it had become a Kingdom. She was amazed at the number of nationalistic songs about Ealdormere there were, in which the populace routinely and enthusiastically participated. She didn't see at first how to fit in here, thinking “what I would be able to contribute?” But she thinks it is fair to say that she has found ways to offer her talents over time.
If therefore, dear reader, you find yourself or your friend in similar case, do not hesitate to apply to her. Not only can she understand your problem, but Roselyne is willing to help you take practical steps to solve it - if you so desire.
Though Roselyne has long loved role play, theatre, and vocal music, she never thought she would love to dance. Dance, and the opportunity to teach others to dance has been one of the Society's most cherished gifts to her. Thus dance, teaching dance, researching dance, and learning and teaching about the culture and mentalities of medieval and Renaissance people, especially the leisure classes who would have the time and means to practice the European dance traditions we know about.
Roselyne still loves to sing, and will sometimes tell a story. An ambition she has is to learn to write and perform lays and romances in the style of 12th-century France. Roselyne would still be happy to take part in plays and masques (the latter being like a play, but with lots of dancing).
Roselyne has a passion for languages, and have written scroll texts in several languages: French, Old and Middle French, Italian, Middle High German, Latin. She doesn't know much about languages outside the Indo-European group (“Sorry, unless Esperanto counts”), and she don't do Slavic. Thus far. This year. But who knows? She is happy to help with research that might involve foreign/historical languages, and she loves to research esoteric topics in grammar and other arcane arts.
Besides composing scroll texts, Roselyne also enjoys calligraphy, where she would say my best script is either early Gothic (11th-12th century) or 13th century Gothic. After spending a very long time telling people her unofficial heraldic motto is “I do not draw”, Roselyne has grown tired of that limitation, and is trying to learn. Eventually, she hopes to be able to do some passable illumination.
Roselyne is interested in certain topics in heraldry, and in the study of history in general; especially of the High Middle Ages (11th-13th century) in Europe, but she is not uninterested in other times and places.
- Order of the Crucible - February 1st, 2014
- Order of the Laurel - September 8th, 2018
Other Activities
Roselyne has been in the SCA for a very long time, and she loves it more now than the day I first found it: spellbound by the beauty and wonder of it all. She wants to be a nice, helpful person, a good peer, and to encourage research and always improving on our best selves. WE, not the Royalty, not the Peerage, but every person who reads this, are the best part of the Society. Everything we do is powered by people who share this Dream. Dare to try things. Although almost every single thing we do here can be done in some other group, you will not easily find a place or organization where you have the option to try so many different ones, usually with free instruction and support. Who knows what you will be in twenty years? And if you need some help finding your niche, or a place to contribute, try asking. You may start with her.
Contact Information
The quickest and most reliable way to reach her is on Facebook Messenger. She will respond to messages, but if you want her to 'friend' you, she will need to know who you are. Roselyne doesn't wish to be exclusive, but she doesn't want a lot of Facebook 'friends' cluttering up the landscape if she doesn't actually know them. If it is a complicated communication, you can try her email, and then perhaps poke me on Facebook to let me know you have sent it.
External Links
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