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Rohais de Guildford

(pronounced “Rose”)


Born 1169 in Guildeford (Guildford), England. Rohais is the only child of father Thomas, a wealthy cloth merchant and mother Mathilde. She married an impoverished nobleman, who promptly went on crusade and was never heard from again. She lives a happy life from the proceeds from her father’s business which she inherited and by her work as an embroiderer.


Rohais currently resides in the Barony of Rising Waters.


  • Device: Azure, a rose, and on a chief urdy Or three compass roses azure.

Offices and Appointments

Past Offices

Other Activities

  • Rohais regularly participates in the Trillium Exchange.
  • Member of the local Embroiderer’s Guild



people/rohais_de_guildford.1614917739.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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