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Petronill of Seashire


Raised in a household focused on printing, Petronill of Seashire’s family was in France in the early 1500s so her father could learn some of the latest techniques from one of the houses there. When the family returned to England a few years later, they continued their printing business. Petronill eventually married into another printing family, continuing to work on printing, focused on ephemera like playing cards and bulletins. She is currently working on a deck of cards representing the heraldry of a little known group. Petronill believes that she saw a sea hare on her trip to England from France, even though they are not known to frequent the Channel.

Alternate Persona

Cerridwen of Seashire is an early Celt in love with illumination and specifically Celtic knotwork. She has largely retired but may still show up occasionally.


Petronill currently resides in the Canton of Caldrithig, within the Barony of Skraeling Althing.


  • Device: Gules, seven lozenges three, three, and one Or.
  • Badge: (Fieldless) A cross couped sable.
  • Badge: (Fieldless) A sea-hare argent maintaining a strawberry proper.
  • Supporter: A sea-hare argent

Some notes on this heraldry:

The Laurel commented on the device that, “This arrangement of charges, with the number explicitly blazoned, is found in the arms of the Earls of Winchester, mid-13th C.” This is thanks to the work of heralds who look at period exemplars.

The proposed blazon for the sea-hare badge was much more complicated than proved necessary (Petronill had originally proposed “A sea-hare erect argent, maintaining in its paws a strawberry proper.”) The sea-hare represents the sea-dragon of her first shire and the hare of her current barony.

While neither mottos or supporters are registerable, they are important heraldic elements in many areas and time periods in the SCA. They are provided here for information and for the benefit of scribes and others who might want to know.

Offices and Appointments

Current Office

Past Offices

SCA History

SCA life began as Cerridwen in Seashire (East Kingdom) before it was even part of a Barony in 1986 (AS XXI). She was quickly attracted to all things A&S (except sewing, never sewing) but especially illumination, cooking, and dancing. After a time Cerridwen moved from Seashire to the Shire of the Ile du Dragon Dormant and took on the by-name of “Seashire” to recognize her past and in keeping with some medieval naming customs. Cerridwen eventually moved to Caldrithig. As interests moved to later and later time periods with a greater interest in period accuracy, including a documentable name, it became time to change persona. Petronill was born. Petronill maintains “of Seashire” even though it is not historically accurate to her time period because she believes that connections to history are important. Cerridwen has been known to say that you can take the girl out of the East Kingdom but you cannot take the East Kingdom out of the girl. Should Petronill ever leave Ealdormere, she will likely say the same about her current home.

Both Petronill and Cerridwen, if present at a Feast, will try to spend at least some time in the kitchen and, failing that, gate. Recent interest in Heraldry tables and entering competitions has curtailed that somewhat.



Contact Information

To follow.

Arms: Gules, seven lozenges three, three, and one Or.
Badge: (Fieldless) a cross couped sable.
people/petronill_of_seashire.1537537679.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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