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Nicola Canis


Lord Nicola Canis (he/him) is a late 13th-century Englishman. The son of a landowner, Nicola fights and trains with his father's retinue defending the land.


Nicola currently resides in the Shire of Bastille du Lac. However has sworn fielty to the Barony of Skraeling Althing.


  • Device: Per bend sable and azure, a three-headed dog rampant contourny tailed of a serpent maintaining in its tail a sword argent.

Current Office(s) and Appointments

Past Office(s)

SCA History

Nicola joined on February 12th, 2020. His first event was Winter War, which was the only event he was able to go to before the Great Plague. He became an active member of the Shire of Trinovantia Nova before moving to Bastille du Lac.

Nicola is a protégée to Maister Colyne Stewart and a man-at-arms to Master Tonis van Hoorn.



Other Activities

The Kidnapping Mystery of Baron Dafydd ap Alan in A.S. 55 was Nicola's brain-child.

Contact Information

The Silver Cereberus on Instagram

Arms: Per bend sable and azure, a three-headed dog rampant contourny tailed of a serpent maintaining in its tail a sword argent.
people/nicola_canis.1727102164.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/23 14:36 by Dietrich von Sachsen

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