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Moria the Black


Viscountess Moria the Black is the daughter of an Irish lord and a Norman lady, who were not married and had arranged for her to be raised in a coastal villiage in Ireland, keeping the nature of her birth secret. When raiders came to the shores of her village one day, Moria stood in defense of her home. Her prowess so impressed the raiders that they chose to spare her life and offered her the opportunity to join them. Moria accepted, and soon learned the ways and customs of the Khazars, and joining the Khanate of the Fighters of the Freehold of Rozak, those very raiders who had first attacked her. Over the years, her and her Khanate travelled the lands, raiding and drinking, while also gaining new citizens for the Khazar Empire. She rose in the ranks of the Khazars, and eventually found herself a spiritual leader and advisor to the Great Khan, earning the right to travel freely as she chose.

Moria, along with other members of her Khanate, travelled to the lands of Ealdormere, where they established roots and began to bring to those lands their knowledge of other civilizations. Moria became known for her Middle Eastern dancing, and began to teach others in Ealdormere the beautiful art, including some Lords who would later become reknowned for their skill.

She also developed a love of scribal arts, becoming one of the original founders of the Scribal Arts Guild of Ealdormere, and producing many scrolls over the years for various recipients.


Moria the Black lives in the Barony of Ben Dunfirth and has done so her entire life.


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Current Office(s)

Past Offices

Moria's first official office in the SCA was chronicler for the Clarion, the newsletter for the Canton of Ben Dunfirth. She then became Chronicler for the Ursus, the Baronian newsletter for Septentria. She then became Seneschal for the Canton of Ben Dunfirth, followed up by becoming Seneschal for the Barony of Rising Waters. Moria also served as Minister of the Lists for the Canadian portions of the Middle Kingdom, and later became Minister of the Lists for the Principality of Ealdormere. After serving as Princess of Ealdormere with Prince Roak III, Moria took on the role of Principality Seneschal and set out to co-ordinate and spearhead the continuing drive to move Ealdormere from a Principality to a Kingdom. She continued in the role of Seneschal for 6 months after Ealdormere became a Kingdom.

Upon stepping down as Kingdom Seneschal, Moria then became Lawspeaker of the Kingdom of Ealdormere. Following up that role, Moria stepped in and took over the program King Sarnac had initiated to create a Youth Combat program in the Kingdom. Moria served in the role of Deputy for Minor Boffer Combat until 2005. Since then she has assisted various Kingdom Seneschal's in assistant and project roles, including stepping into the role of Interim Kingdom Seneschal from September of 2012 to April of 2013.

Throughout her years Moria has also served as autocrat and/or feastocrat for numerous events, as well as running the list table for Coronet tourneys, Crown Tourneys and various tourneys at numerous events. She has been a warranted marshal for heavy weapons combat, and marshalled many battles at the Pennsic Wars over 15 years.

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people/moria_the_black.1431724974.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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