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Mjǫll Kenimaðr


Kennari Mjǫll Kenimaðr is an early period Viking persona.


Mjoll currently resides on the shore of Lake Huron within the Barony of Ramshaven.


  • Device: Or, a badger dormant sable marked argent, a bordure sable.
  • Badge: (Fieldless) A badger dormant sable marked argent.

SCA History

Mjǫll was first introduced to the SCA at university in the East Kingdom by Sir Varakhii Varenko Idanovich and Baroness Pesha of Little Egypt.


Mjǫll is squired to Sir Varakhii Varenko Idanovich. They were apprenticed to Master Tarkatai Baghadur for leatherworking.

They are one of the founders of Fraken Kraken. At Pennsic in 2019, Fraken Kraken was placed on the Scroll of Honour for providing hospitality following the Woods Battle.



Photos of Mjǫll Kenimaðr's work are on their Art Station page.

Arms: Or, a badger dormant sable marked argent, a bordure sable.
Badge: (Fieldless) A badger dormant sable marked argent.
people/mjoll_ulfsdottir.1714353907.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/29 01:25 by Dietrich von Sachsen

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