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Marina Anastasia Ozorowska


The Honourable Lady Marina Anastasia Ozorowska is a late period (1575-1600 CE) woman living on the border of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Muscovy.


Marina currently resides in the Canton of Caldrithig, in the Barony of Skraeling Althing.


  • Device: Quarterly gules and sable all crusilly argent, a sea-ounce guardant Or tailed vert.

Current Office(s)

Marina currently holds no offices.

Past Offices

SCA History

Marina joined the SCA in September 1987 in the Canton of Petrea Thule, where she held the office of Minister of Arts & Sciences until she moved away. She now lives in the Canton of Caldrithig, in the Barony of Skraeling Althing, and has lived here for several years.

Marina is one of Ealdomere's Cooks, having cooked many feasts at the end of her 1st and well into her 2nd decade in the SCA. She enjoys the creativity of trying out new dishes; as well she loves cooking for many people and feeding them sumptuously. Marina cooked for several feasts, including Baronial Investitures for Xristina Viacheslavova, as well as Dame Eleanor Cadfan and Sir Mencken Brechen. Marina also did several feasts and lunches for Petrea Thule, and has helped in various other feast kitchens.

Marina considers the development of a menu and the testing of dishes for a feast an art; whereas she considers the cooking and serving of a feast a service. For over 20 years she has been researching and serving Rus food.

Marina has also served for many years by teaching classes at Practicum. Often she has taught an embroidery class and/or a cooking class, but on at least one occasion she has broken out of the mould and taught a class on the history of medieval brasses and one on how to teach adults.

Marina has participated in 3 Trillium Exchanges, and is also a member of the White Wolf Fian. She first challenged in with the research and cooking of a late period Rus meal. Marina's re-challenge was to research and build for herself an embroidery stand and slate frame in order to bring to events and have a more period presence.



Other Activities

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Contact Information

Marina can be found on Facebook, and is receptive to missives from other SCAdians.

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Arms: Quarterly gules and sable all crusilly argent, a sea-ounce guardant Or tailed vert.
people/marina_anastasia_ozorowska.1490291323.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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