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Maegwynn skrautibrok


Mistress Maegwyn skrautibrok (pronounced May-wen) does not know who she is or where she is from. She can assure you this is normal. (skrautibrok is Old Norse for “Fancy Pants.” This probably tells you everything you really need to know.)


Maegwyn currently has infiltrated the Barony of Ben Dunfirth in the Kingdom of Ealdormere. No one has done anything about that yet. She's convinced if she's really quiet, they might not even notice she's here…


  • Device: Or, a savage's head couped affronty, on a chief wavy vert three pairs of shears Or.

Current Office(s)

Maegwyn currently holds no offices.

Past Office(s)

Maegwyn has held a variety of offices over the past two decades, and was even accused of service a few times. Managed to avoid responsibility for a couple years and then they went and Laurelled her.

SCA History

Maegwyn and Sir Gann had two brushes with the SCA in their younger years, but it was the third one that caught them. They were approached by a man in a trench coat and hat in the book aisle of a Gaming Store; he furtively leaned over the shelf of D&D manuals and whispered: “psst, wanna come to a demo?”

“Seemed legit, so we went.” -Maegwyn

Shortly thereafter they went to their first camping event, held in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan in July of 1995. It was three feet from the sun out in open prairie. They started friendships that weekend that are still going strong today - there is even ancient photo evidence of this.

Their home Barony was Myrgan Wood, in the newly minted Principality of Avacal, which was at the time part of the Kingdom of An Tir. It was a great place to 'grow up' in the SCA and Maegwyn still treasures the time there.

In 2003 Maegwyn and Gann crossed the continent and settled in the Northern Wilds of Ealdormere in what is now the Shire of Ulfheim, and eventually meandered down into the southern tropical climes of Ben Dunfirth. Somewhere in there, the Kingdom of Ealdormere decided to make them responsible (“Ha!”) for things and gave them Peerages: knighting Gann in 2014, and laurelling Maegwyn in 2018. They are now both official SCA enablers and exercise that right frequently.


Maegwyn has always said the SCA is a hobby full of hobbies. She came in to the SCA as an intermediate seamstress with a bit of theatre costuming experience, and rapidly found her home in the A&S community.

Maegwyn's main focus has always been on clothing and construction. The reason she does not have a personae as such is because the entire scope of clothing history is completely interesting to her, and she could never pick just one country or era. Maegwyn has an especial fascination with rectangular construction techniques, which covers a surprisingly large range of cultures and time periods. Over the years she has either made, or helped someone else make, an outfit from almost every era that the SCA encompasses.

The majority of her interests all tie back into costuming, and she is constantly adding new techniques and skills to make costumes look like real clothing - with accessories and embellishments and all those great little details that make it look just so. Maegwyn's workshop reflects this ideal, to the point that even the piles of supplies have stacks of other supplies on top. This does not stop her from learning new things and adding even more supplies.

“When you join the SCA, you become a hoarder. It is known.” -Maegwyn


Maegwyn's listings on both the Avacal and Ealdormere Order of Precedence have been eaten more than once. Some awards are missing entirely and dates are garbled at best. She will try to piece it together again. Eventually. Someday.

  • Award of the Queen's Favour - September 21st, 2019 (Avacal, by Saxa Amelia Africana; AS LIV)
  • Order of the Laurel - March 24th, 2018 (by Edouard Beausoleil, Rylyn Buchanan; AS LII)
  • Award of the Throne's Favour - November 2017 (Avacal, by Kvigr Ivarsson, Svava Suanhuita; AS LII)
  • Order of the Crucible - April 27th, 2012 (AS XLVII)
  • Award of the Queen's Favour - September 5th, 2010 (by Dagmar Halvdan; AS XLV)
  • Award of the Maiden's Heart - August 30th, 2008 (AS XLIII)
  • Award of Orion - October 2nd, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
  • Order of the Blood of the Wood - 2003 (Myrgan Wood)
  • Award of the Gold Flame - November 30th, 2002 (Avacal, Ivar the Black, Asney Grimolfrsdottir; AS XXXVII)
  • Award of the Baroness' Favour - 2002 (Myrgan Wood, by Roxanne Delaroche)
  • Order of Jambe de Lion - November 24th, 2001 (An Tir, by Aveloc the Younger, Mahliqa bint Ali Zibec; AS XXXVI)
  • Award of the Red Crocus - 2000 (Myrgan Wood)
  • Award of Arms - February 1997 (An Tir, by Vic Vikingson, Ceridwyn of Abergavenny; AS XXXII)
  • Order of the Elm Leaf of Spring - 1997 (Myrgan Wood)

Note: Actual dates and names burned down, fell over, and then sank into the swamp. Twice.

Other Activities

Maegwyn gardens, cooks, and dabbles in woodwork and leatherwork from time-to-time as well. She also fought armoured combat for a decade or so.

Contact Information

Maegwyn can be found on Facebook.

Arms: Or, a savage's head couped affronty, on a chief wavy vert three pairs of shears Or.
people/maegwynn_skrautibrok.1667948120.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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