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Jótun-Bjǫrn currently resides in the Barony of Rising Waters, in the port town of Welland.
- Device: Per bend sinister, azure and argent, a decrescent and a bear statant counter changed.
- Badge: Azure, within a decrescent a bear passant argent.
Current Office(s)
Seeblatt Pursuivant - Kingdom of Ealdormere
- Deputy of All Things and Minister of Reaching Tall Things - Barony of Rising Waters
Past Office(s)
SCA History
Jótun-Bjǫrn joined the SCA in March 2019, and has since attended practices, Baronial events, and Inter-Baronial events.
- Award of Arms - April 30th, 2022
- Award of the Chalice's Crystal - March 30th, 2022
- Award of the Maiden's Heart - September 23rd, 2023
Other Activities
Jótun-Bjǫrn is “Official Baronial Reacher of Tall Things”.
people/jotun-bjorn.1713546789.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/19 17:13 by Dietrich von Sachsen