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Jǫfurr Rauðsson
Baron Jǫfurr Rauðsson (also called Joffr Rödson) is a 10th century Norman lord. Between Etretat and Le Havre, near the coast of Normandy, there is a small commune, and the estate is called Kaerbrok - the fortress of the badger. This area is named after a companion of Jarl Hroflr Ganger (Rollo, Duke of Normandy) who was only known as The Badger. His descendants, of whom Joffr is one, built fortified towns up and down the coast to harvest the rich bounty that is Normandy. There you will find Joffr, with his motte and bailey castle and world class apiary, overseeing the farming and works to keep his Captain's lands well kept. The 10th century is one of upheaval - still in the midst of settling his lands wrought by his father, there are threats from Flanders, putting down rebellions in Bretony, and help strengthen Richard the Fearless' control over the territory.
Jǫfurr currently resides in the Canton of Greyfells, in the Barony of Skraeling Althing.
- Device: Per pale embattled grady purpure and argent, a chamfron and a triskelion of spirals counterchanged.
- Badge: (Fieldless) A badger's head contourny couped argent marked sable maintaining on its nose a bee statant proper. (Shared with Dubhesa inghean Uí Uilliam)
Current Office(s)
- Territorial Baron - Barony of Skraeling Althing (13 November, 2021 - present)
Past Offices
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SCA History
Jǫfurr joined the SCA during the reign of Roak V and Elizabeth I. His first event was War of the Trillium on one of the last times in Whitby. He enjoys weird and intricate arts and sciences, and revels in the mysteries of the past. His one great project is to recreate all artifacts found in one 11th-century dig (at Lake Paladru) some 700km away from his home.
Jǫfurr is apprenticed to Maistresse Alais de Poitiers.
- Target Archery (including Mounted Archery)
- Award of Arms - November 30th, 2013
- Award of the Orion - April 29th, 2017
- Award of the Maiden's Heart - January 27th, 2018
- Scroll of Honour - September 19th, 2020 (for contributions to Ealdormere at Home)
- Award of the Guidon de Sang - November 30th, 2013
- Award of the Guidon d'Argent - August 22nd, 2015
- Bunny Tail - November 7th, 2015
- Order of the Black Hare - March 10th, 2018
- Order of the Hare Salient - March 7th, 2020
- Order of the Crucible - November 4th, 2023
Other Activities
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