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Isabel Atwyll


Countess Isabel Atwyll is a 14th-century Englishwoman.


Isabel currently resides in the Shire of Bastille du Lac.


  • Device: Azure, in bend three butterflies between two bendlets argent, for augmentation in sinister canton a plate.

Offices and Appointments

Current Office

Past Offices

Past Appointments


SCA History

Isabel joined the SCA in the summer of 2008. Her first event was War of the Trillium.

Formerly the protégé of AElflaeda FitzAlain, Isabel is a member of House Blackcloak, which is part of Greater House De Taahe. She is an apprentice of Xristina Viacheslavova.

Isabel has one protégé, Lady Aoibhal.


Contact Information

Isabel can be contacted by email.

Arms: Azure, in bend three butterflies between two bendlets argent, for augmentation in sinister canton a plate.
people/isabel_atwyll.1648420399.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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