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Ilsebet Jeghersche


Lady Ilsebet Jeghersche is the daughter of a hunter living in the German lands of the Holy Roman Empire. She is married to Lord Laurenz Tonnemacher, and is mother to Mara.


Ilsebet currently resides in the Barony of Skraeling Althing.


  • Device: Sable, a fess of three lozenges argent each charged with a mullet azure, a bordure argent.
  • Badge: (Fieldless) a water bouget purpure.

Offices and Appointments

Current Office

Ilsebet currently holds no offices.

Past Offices

SCA History

Ilsebet started in the SCA in what was the Shire of Noergate, and considers Mistress Nadrah and THL Thorsteinn to be her “SCA Parents”. She then lived in the Kingdom of the Middle for several years, where she met Lord Laurenz Tonnemacher. She returned to Ealdormere in 2010, and now participates with the Barony of Skraeling Althing.



Other Activities

While Ilsebet's persona is German, she enjoys the clothing of many different time periods, from Greek and Roman, through Viking, to Elizabethan, and many times/places in between.

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Arms: Sable, a fess of three lozenges argent each charged with a mullet azure, a bordure argent.
Badge: (Fieldless) a water bouget purpure.
people/ilsebet_jeghersche.1537792140.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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