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Graham Day


Graham's persona is currently indeterminate, though leaning towards C13th-14th English.


Graham lives in the Barony of Ben Dunfirth, though he also has been sighted in the Baronies of Rising Waters and Ramshaven.


  • Device: Per pale azure and argent, in canton an astrolabe argent, a bordure counterchanged.

Current Office(s)

Past Offices

SCA History

What history? He's still totes newbsauce, despite having earned his Award of Arms.


Graham is currently uncovering the secrets of kumihimo. He's successfully avoided being forced into any sort of armour at the time of writing, though has been sighted on Archery and Thrown Weapons ranges. There is a scurrilous rumour that he may be involved in some capacity with unlicensed wordsmithering, and will likely soon be investigated by the Scribal Constabulary and summarily pelted with used inkwells.


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Arms: Per pale azure and argent, in canton an astrolabe argent, a bordure counterchanged.
people/graham_day.1463939348.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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