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Gavin MacAidan
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Gavin currently resides in the Canton of Caldrithig, within the Barony of Skraeling Althing.
Do you have heraldry? Add your information here.
Current Office(s)
- Rapier Combat Marshal - Canton of Caldrithig
- Head of the Household - Academia Xiphias
Past Appointments
- Kingdom Rapier Combat Marshal - Kingdom of Ealdormere 2013 - 2015
- Rapier Champion- Principality of Ealdormere (Middle Kingdom, 1998; Prince's Champion)
SCA History
Gavin is apprenticed to Dame TSivia bas v'Amberview.
- Award of the Maiden's Heart - March 12th, 2016
- Order of the Hare Valiant - March, 2013
- Award of the Scarlet Banner - November 12th, 2011
- Award of Arms - October 17th, 1998 (Middle Kingdom)
- Bunny Tail - 1998ish
Other Activities
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Contact Information
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External Links
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people/gavin_macaidan.1517345258.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)