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Gajin Suren
Do you have a persona? Add your information here.
Where are you located?
- Device: Per bend Or and sable, an escallop counterchanged.
Current Office(s)
Are you currently an officer? Add your information here.
Past Offices
Did you used to be an officer? Add your information here.
SCA History
Tell us a bit about your SCA life.
What do you like to do in the SCA?
- Order of the Crucible - April 30th, 2022
- Order of Thorbjorn's Hammer - August 12th, 2010
- Award of Orion - September 4th, 2021
- Award of the Maiden's Heart - November 1st, 2014
- Award of the Scarlet Banner - August 6th, 2008
- Award of Arms - May 27th, 2006
- Award of the Wolf's Cub - March 12th, 2005
- Scroll of Honour - September 24th, 2011 (Fighting 1000 fights in honor of Baron Tancred)
- Scroll of Honour - April 8th, 2006 (Finalist Tournament of Renown Edward & Rylyn - Armoured Combat)
- Award of the Spider - April 30thy, 2022
- Award of the Boar's Tusk - October 2nd, 2021
- Award of the Chalice's Crystal - May 11th, 2013
- Wooden Rose of Rising Waters - May 11th, 2013
Other Activities
What else would you like people to know about you?
Contact Information
How would you like people to contact you?
External Links
Add a link to your blog or other external website.
people/gajin_suren.1656281130.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)