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Fischer of Ben Dunfirth


Noble Fischer of Ben Dunfirth (alternatively known as Fisher or Fish; they/them) swaps between a Scythian and Greek persona, depending on whether or not it's too hot for pants.


Fischer currently resides in the Barony of Ben Dunfirth.


  • Registered Name: Gili Fischer
  • Device: Per pale azure and argent, two fish haurient embowed addorsed marked, in chief a roundel all counterchanged.

Current Office(s)

SCA History

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Other Activities

Fischer prefers the title of Noble, Armiger, or Lord.

Contact Information

Fischer may be contacted by email at:

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Arms: Per pale azure and argent, two fish haurient embowed addorsed marked, in chief a roundel all counterchanged.
people/fischer_of_ben_dunfirth.1726618261.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/18 00:11 by Fischer

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