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Evan Quicktongue


Harmless and friendly, Lord Evan Quicktongue lived in England until dying at the Battle of Crécy in 1346.


Evan currently lives in the Canton of Bryniau Tywynnog, in the Barony of Ramshaven.

Current Office(s)

Past Offices

SCA History

Evan joined our Society in AS 28, and has since lived in four of Ealdormere's five baronies. A man of diverse interests, he has had the privilege of dabbling in most aspects of our Society. His name was registered with the Society's College of Arms in September of 2006. He is often seen selling books.



Other Activities

  • Evan is married to Angela Fabbricci.
  • Evan has been a student of several notable peers over the years, and is currently enjoying his status as a freeman.
  • Evan runs a small bookshop called Random Passages, this was also the name of a series of articles he wrote for The Tidings.
  • Evan appears on Hector of the Black Height's “That Reminds Me Of A Story…” album.
  • Evan was the thirtieth holder of An Tir's Axe of Heroes.
  • Evan was the kingdom's second Trillium Principle Herald.
  • Evan was the kingdom's fifth Lawspeaker.
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Evan Quicktongue. Photo by Master Eirik Andersen.
people/evan_quicktongue.1432585647.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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