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Eóin MacAlpin
Born into a simple life on an unknown island to the northeast of the Canton of Distant Shore in the East Kingdom, Eóin MacAlpin found a wanderlust deep inside himself and ventured far away in his nineteenth year, serving in a Queens cavalry regiment. He returned to the East where the desire to wander struck him yet again, and he entered service once more and went a-Viking. Eóin's travels took him to many strange places; while imprisoned in a small town in East Kingdom He met Rose whom hails from An Tir. After they escaped they settled in the Canton of Greyfells in the Kingdom of Ealdormere, where Eóin makes mead and tries to reign in “the Destroyer” - his youngest son Lochlan.
Eóin currently resides in the Canton of Greyfells, in the Barony of Skraeling Althing.
Current Office(s)
- Webminister - Canton of Greyfells
SCA History
Eóin Joined the SCA in 2013 and attended mostly local meetings and fight practices.
His first event was Break the Back of Winter (2014) Where he had received his Bunny Tail.
Major Interests:
- Brewing - Meads mostly, starting to expand into Ales
- Naalbinding - haven`t perfected the skill yet.
- Research - migration of the Norse through the British Isles. the Evolution of the Scottish
- Woodworking - shipbuilding, I am currently working out plans for a faering, and eventually a Birlinn
Minor Interests:
- Norse and Scottish culture 800-1200
- Blacksmithing - Blades (Axe, sword, knife)
- Bonework - mostly needles and fasteners
- Cooking - spices, herbs, and vegetables that are within period
- Garb Making - Norse,
- Armoured Combat mostly the rules and regs. construction of weapons and shields
- Target Archery I also am a Bowman/Woodsman with St Hubert's Rangers
- Bunny Tail - March 2014 (Break the Back of Winter)
- AoA - July 2015 (War of the Trillium)
- Award of the Orion - March 2016 (Break the Belt of Winter)
Other Activities
Eóin is a member of St. Hubert's Rangers, a medieval hunting group. He is also the founder of the Ealdormere Brewers Guild.