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Elsebeth Ffarberyn


Meisterin Elsebeth Ffarberyn is a 16th-century German woman, who was born in Nuremburg around 1490 into a family of dyers.


Elsebeth currently resides in the Canton of Caldrithig, in the Barony of Skraeling Althing.


  • Device: Per bend sinister vert and Or semy of cartouches sable, in bend sinister two roses Or.
  • Badge: (Fieldless) In saltire a thistle vert and a thistle purpure.

Current Office(s)

Elsebeth currently holds no offices.

Past Offices

SCA History

Elsebeth's SCA history is rather varied. Her first event was in the Barony of Castle Rouge in the 1990's; from there she moved to An Tir and was part of a great group in Lionsdale (Abbotsford / Chilliwack area), which just outside of the Barony of Lion's Gate. Her time was spent mostly enjoying the atmosphere. She has been able to meet some great people.

Elesbeth took a break from the SCA for about 15 years, before starting up again in Skraeling Althing. She havs made lunches; organized merchants; learned new skills and crafts; and learned some history from the knowledgeable people around me. Overall a great experience.



Other Activities

There have been many meat pies made for the Barony…

Elesbeth has served roles at various events:

  • Gate – Twelfth Night 2018
  • Site Facilitator – Coronation 2018
  • Lunch Cook - Feast of the Hare, Practicum and Coronation 2018
  • Autocrat – Kingdom Arts & Sciences 2017
  • Feastocrat – 2016-02-25
  • Merchant Liaison – Feast of the Hare 2017
  • Lunch Cook – three other Feast of the Hares, and one Practicum; but don’t remember the years

Contact Information

Elesbeth can be contacted by email.


Arms: Per bend sinister vert and Or semy of cartouches sable, in bend sinister two roses Or.
Badge: (Fieldless) In saltire a thistle vert and a thistle purpure.
people/elsebeth_ffarberyn.1714088153.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/25 23:35 by Dietrich von Sachsen

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