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Duncan Gabh MacLeod


Baron Duncan Gabh MacLeod is a Scottish Laird who, in his youth, learned the skills of the sword and armourer to help defend Scottish independence from England. He now pursues Archery and Siege engines to carry on the same goal. He is currently looking into the making of rope, in support of his love of siege engines.


Duncan currenty resides in the Canton of Caldrithig, within the Barony of Skraeling Althing.


  • Device: Currently unregistered, but is Argent, two falcons close gules, on a chief per saltire Or and sable, a saltire counterchanged.
  • Motto: Fac et Spera (Do and Hope)

Offices and Appointments

Current Office

Past Office

SCA History

Duncan's first event was Practicum in Skraeling Althing ASXIX, where he took fighting lessons from the famous Duke Paul of Bellatrix. He then fell in love not only with armoured combat, but also with bardic arts and pagentry, which he discovered at Pennsic XV (1986).

Duncan was apprenticed to Master Naon na Chutrie for a number of years. He is the father of Ivor MacLeod.

Duncan has inactive on a four-year break from SCA between 2002 to 2006. After his return, he built Kannon Krieg, a large trebuchet, which was finished in October, A.S. XLVI (2011). Admitted to the White Wolf Fion at Tillium War A.S.LIII (2018)for building a rope maker and producing 100ft of rope.



Other Activities

Outside of the SCA, Duncan is interested in the history of the First and Second World Wars, especially aircraft.

Contact Information

Use Arms: Argent, two falcons close gules, on a chief per saltire Or and sable, a saltire counterchanged.
people/duncan_macleod.1584761482.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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