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Dubhesa inghean Uí Uilliam


Banbharun Dubhesa inghean Uí Uilliam (also called Dubhesa ni Ulliam; she/her) is the daughter of a 13th-century Irish noble from Ulster under Norman rule. Dubhesa's family married her to a Norman lord to cement their political position under the Norman rule of Ireland. It turned out to be a happy alliance however, as Dubhessa and her husband Joffr found common ground in their mutual love of horses and the land. Joffr won Dubhessa over with a splendid wedding gift of a beautiful white palfrey.

Dubhesa lives happily ever after at Kaerbrok raising horses, tending bees, making cider, and hosting weary travellers. Dubhesa especially loves tales of adventures in distant lands and eagerly feasts traveling merchants and nobles.


Dubhesa currently resides in the Canton of Greyfells, in the Barony of Skraeling Althing.


  • Device: Argent, a badger dormant sable marked argent, on a chief embattled purpure three triskelions of spirals argent.
  • Badge: (Fieldless) A badger's head contourny couped argent marked sable maintaining on its nose a bee statant proper. (Shared with Jofurr Rauðsson)

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SCA History

Dubhessa joined the SCA during the reign of King Malik and Queen Genevieve d'Anjou. Her first event was Break the Back of Winter in Kingston. She makes all her and Joffr's garb and, has dabbled in many different cultures and centuries. One of Dubhesa's favourite things to do is to host general A&S days on their farm and invite anyone who wishes to bring a craft and a friend and a drink to spend the day in good company.



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Arms: Argent, a badger dormant sable marked argent, on a chief embattled purpure three triskelions of spirals argent.
Kaerbrock Badge: (Fieldless) A badger's head contourny couped argent marked sable maintaining on its nose a bee statant proper.
people/dubhesa_inghean_ui_uilliam.1680884549.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/07 16:22 by Dietrich von Sachsen

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