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Bjorn Jarnason


12th century nordic crusader in service of the Hospitaller order.


Canton of Petrea Thule


Sable, a comet bendwise sinister inverted, on a chief Or, a gauntleted fist sable.

Current Office(s)

Canton of Petrea Thules Chatelaine

Past Offices

SCA History

Attended my first event in 2018 at the All Thing where I earned the moniker ‘blood eyes’. Since then I have been an active participant in heavy combat, doing my best to fulfil my canton officers duties, and doing a Lot of hiking. Became a man at arms to Sir Tiberius of Warwickshire at the 2019 Trillium war, and became a squire to Sir Tiberius of Warwickshire labour day weekend of 2020.


I like to participate in heavy combat and I am enjoying my pilgrimage project.


Award of Arms

Other Activities

Contact Information

Personal contact Lordjacobus@outlook.com

Chatelaine contact Castellanofpetreathule@gmail.com

people/bjorn_jarnason.1600795011.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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