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Bera Oddsdottir

Bera Oddsdottir is still in discovering herself but what is known of her is she ventured off across the ocean to discover new lands sometime late 10th century AD.


Bera belongs to the Barony of Rising Waters.


  • Device: Argent, a polypus gules, a gore sinister azure papellony argent.

Offices and Appointments

Current Office

SCA History

Bera's first introduction to the SCA was in 2014 but she stayed a bit on the outskirts for a bit. Then finally she looked up her local group, Rising Waters and attended a meeting, from there it was full on into the deep end. Bera is now apprenticed to Magistra Sciath ingen Chaennaig and is a member of Harpy Hall



Other Activities

  • Event Steward Spring Coronation 2020
  • Trillium Exchange Admin Spring/Summer 2020
  • Feast Steward of Barony of Rising Waters Investiture 2019
  • Event Steward of Lady Mary 2018
Arms: Argent, a polypus gules, a gore sinister azure papellony argent.
people/bera_oddsdottir.1585434420.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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