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Baudouin de Domrémy


Baudouin is a 15th century French nobleman. His first name is Belgian, given to him by his Belgian mother. He was a contemporary of Jeanne d'Arc who he recalls began hearing voices after playfighting with sticks got her hit in the head a few too many times.


Baudouin lives and plays in the Barony of Ben Dunfirth


  • Device: Or, a winged lion rampant gules maintaining a fleur-de-lis azure, on a chief vert a straight trumpet Or.

Current Office(s)

  • Ben Dunfirth Signet
  • Pursuivant-at-large
  • Rapier martial-at-large

Past Offices

  • Herald, Canton der Welfengau.
  • Herald, Barony of Ramshaven.
  • Herald, Barony of Ben Dunfirth.
  • Pentland Pursuivant.

SCA History

Baudouin started in the SCA with the Canton der Welfengau while attending the University of Guelph. His first event was the Midrealm Coronation of Osis and Caitlyn held at the Rockwood Conservation Area.


Baudouin is an avid rapier fencer and enjoys archery. He also does all the garb making for himself and his family, has started doing some embroidery, is a frequent contributor to the Kingdom's Scribal needs, and has been making mead for over 20 years. He has also run several events for the Canton der Welfengau, the Barony of Ben Dunfirth, and was event steward for the Coronation of Roak and Jocea.

Read Baudouin's mead making primer.


Kingdom Awards

Baronial Awards

Other Activities

Apprentices Apprenticed to Mistress Sciath ingen Chaennaig, 2024.

Arms: Or, a winged lion rampant gules maintaining a fleur-de-lis azure, on a chief vert a straight trumpet Or
people/baudouin_de_domremy.1733521992.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/06 21:53 by Baudouin de Domrémy

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