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Avelyn Wexcombe of Great Bedwyn
Avelyn (pronounced: Ăh-veh-lin) was born in the hamlet of Wexcombe in the borough of Great Bedwyn, Wiltshire. Her birth occurred during the height of the summer hay-making season, after Saint James’ Day (July 25) and a fortnight after the coronation of England’s boy-king Richard II (July 16, 1377). She is the sixth child of the lord of Wexcombe manor and his late wife, who died in the days after Avelyn was born. She has two living brothers and a sister.
Given a liberal upbringing in the years following the fourth wave of the plague in England, Avelyn was indulged by her father as the “baby” and allowed to pursue an education. She was tutored by local clergy from the nearby priory of Marlborough, and developed a love of books and learning. As a result she speaks English, Latin and some courtly French.
Raised in an environment paranoid of further plagues ravaging the land, Avelyn was encouraged to pursue an early interest in the healing arts. As a young woman, she became locally renowned for her skills as a midwife and wise woman. It is thought her grief at the loss of her mother in childbirth inspired her to help other women in their confinement.
Though closely tied to the neighbouring Benedictine abbeys at Wilton and Amesbury, Avelyn has never been interested in becoming a nun herself. Instead, she wishes to help improve the family’s reputation and wealth by finding a good marriage, raising a family, and continuing her work protecting the health of the people of Wexcombe.
Avelyn’s life spans the years closing the 14th century in England and the early years of the 15th century; into the reign of Richard’s successor, King Henry IV. She is often seen in the company of a scruffy-looking “nerf” herder named Dafydd, who is rumoured to be from the wildlands of Wales. What exactly a “nerf” is, that's anyone's guess; those records burned during one of the many skirmishes with the English.
Avelyn currently resides in Skraeling Althing with her husband, Dafydd ap Alan.
Personal Heraldry
- Device: Purpure, a comet bendwise sinister Or and a sinister gore lozengy sable and argent.
- Badge: Lozengy purpure and argent, a comet bendwise sinister Or.
- Motto: Omnia aut nihil (Everything or Nothing)
Offices and Appointments
Current Offices
Pursuivant-at-Large - Kingdom of Ealdormere
- Media Relations Deputy - Kingdom of Ealdormere (since March 2012)
Past Offices
- Territorial Baroness - Barony of Skraeling Althing (November 3rd, 2018 - November 13th, 2021)
- Arts & Science Champion - Barony of Skraeling Althing
- Social Media Coordinator – Kingdom of Ealdormere (February 2013 – November 2014)
- Chirurgeon at large – Kingdom of Ealdormere (July 2012 - ~2014)
SCA History
Avelyn has been in the SCA for about 15 years (as of 2020). Avelyn reflects:
“I discovered the SCA during my first year of college in Kingston, about 1997. The first SCAdian I met was (then) Her Excellency of Skraeling Althing, Baroness Xristinia. She welcomed me with her warm smile to a dazzling event in Greyfells. It didn’t take long before I was hooked. I played in Greyfells for a little over two years before life moved me to Ottawa and I took a long hiatus from the SCA.
While in Greyfells, I adopted the name 'Cassandra Brightrich' but never had it registered. I enjoyed spending time with new friends in the canton, and took up rapier, choir, and Creative Foot Stomping (dancing, but I wasn’t very good at it). I also helped with demos in the area and assisted in the kitchens of feasts for a few canton events. As a student, most of play was limited to either Greyfells or Caldrithig events. During this time I received my first Bunny Tail from Their Excellencies Xristinia and Erec.
In 2007 I returned to the SCA via the Canton of Harrowgate Heath, this time bringing along my husband and introducing him to the hobby. I have been a member continuously since then. I received my second Bunny Tail not long after joining the canton, from Xristinia again but this time as Vicaress of the Barony. It was a wonderful welcome back into the SCA fold.
Currently I enjoy various SCA activities and providing behind-the-scenes support for the society. As Baroness, cheering on the people of Skraeling Althing is my primary focus and I enjoy the role. I'm authorized in armoured combat and rapier combat. I like to chuck thrown weapons. Out of armour, I've also served in different offices from canton to kingdom levels. I'm also working on improving my path on arts and sciences with different tinkering projects.”
SCA Affiliations
Avelyn married Baron Dafydd ap Alan, with whom she and best friend THL Emelote of Calais run the Inn of the Surly Mermaid. Avelyn and Dafydd are officially the Unofficial Caretakers of the Septentrian High Commission in Skraeling Althing.
She is an apprentice of Mistress Siglinde Harfnerstochter (O.L.)
Avelyn is a past protégé of Dame TSivia bas Tamara v'Amberview (O.L, O.P). Avelyn's belt from Dame TSivia is amicably retired.
She is a member of Clan Talfryn Twyllth.
Her position as Governess on the Council of the Isles was established following her peaceful acquisition of the deeds to a large number of islands in the Thousand Islands realm of Skraeling Althing, as distributed by Their Excellences of Ben Dunfirth in A.S. 52.*
*an auction benefiting the Ealdormere Regalia Fund.
- Astronomy, chemistry and sciences in period
- Bardic (mainly silly filks)
- English medieval life and culture, especially 14th century
- Hiberno-Norse culture
- Medieval medicine, midwifery and herbology
- Scroll wordsmithy
- Writing
- Court Barony - November 13th, 2021 (Territorial Baroness of Skraeling Althing November 3rd, 2018 - November 13th, 2021)
- Award of the King's Favour - February 25th, 2017
- Award of the Queen's Favour - February 25th, 2017
- Order of the Wain - February 20th, 2016
- Scroll of Honour - September 19th, 2020 (For service in running “A Mystery in Ealdormere”)
- Scroll of Honour - November 5th, 2016 (For contributions to the Rick Mercer Report)
- Award of the Scarlet Banner - March 29th, 2014
- Award of the Maiden’s Heart - November 19th, 2011
- Order of the Hare Salient - April 9th, 2011
- Award of Arms - November 1st, 2008
- Bunny Tail - 2007
- Bunny Tail - 1997
Other Activities
Avelyn's SCA aspirations include:
- Finally learning how to use her inkle loom
- Having a set of armour that fits and moves right
- One day finishing all the projects in her basement
- Reviving the dispensation of Pez in court
- Attending all the really big Wars at least once
- Having authentic personal and camping presences
- Invested as Territorial Baroness of Skraeling Althing (Feast of the Hare, November 2018)
- Coordinated the appearance of Ealdormere/SCA on CBC’s national television show “The Rick Mercer Report” (Feast of the Hare, November 2016)
- Successfully built Ealdormere’s Social Media policy and platform accounts from the ground-up, and transitioned in the first permanent Social Media Deputy into office (2013-2014)
- Received a beginner-level prize for her A&S project experimenting with saltpetre (see below)
- Contributed various articles to the Skraeling Althing Chronicle including the regular “Avelyn’s Book Nook” column (2010-2014)
- Contributing cook: Hallowmas (2007) and Border Spat (2012)
- Was part of the lunch team for Feast of the Hare 2009 that raised $145 for the baronial camping regalia fund; a profit that exceeded that of the rest of the event’s net revenue!
Teaching Experience/Classes
- Your Persona as a History Lighthouse - War of the Trillium 2018, Skrael Baronial Muster 2018
- Media Relations for the SCA: Good, Bad and Ugly – Service Symposium 2017 (with Dafydd ap Alan)
- From Baseball Cap to Viking Cap – Practicum 2017
A&S Submissions
- 10th Century Anglo-Saxon Men’s Outfit – Queen’s Prize Tourney 2016
- SCA Accessories: Baronial Entourage Bag – QPT 2014
- Period chemistry experiment and paper: “An Investigation into Reviving the use of Saltpetre for Refrigeration: a Period Technique” – Kingdom A&S 2011 (Paper link:
Contact Information
- Avelyn can be contacted via email
- Twitter: @avelynwex (
- Pinterest:
- AvelynWexcombe (1 paper) (
- SCA blog (archive): Why in the Well? (
- Mudanely known as Melanie Reasbeck, and on the Book of the Faces as well.