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Auríkr Biarnarson

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Auríkr is a Norse blacksmith living on the northern shores of Vinland. While under the direction of Leif Erikson, he helped establish a settlement in the new land.


Within the SCA, Auríkr resides in the Canton of Caldrithig, within the Barony of Skraeling Althing.


Arms: Sable, in pale three hammers Or between flaunches per fess rayonny Or and gules.

Current Office(s)

No offices currently being held.

Past Offices

SCA History

  • Long standing member of the Caldrithig Choir (Sings bass and much more recently… tenor)
  • Long standing member of the Caldrithig Instrumental Group (Plays the bass recorder… and possibly the soprano or tenor, depending on music or his lady's whim)




Auríkr lives with his love THL Marie l'Englois, a lady skilled in all things musical and sewing.

Contact Information

Please contact me by email.

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Sable, in pale three hammers Or between flaunches per fess rayonny Or and gules.
people/aurikr_biarnarson.1433972555.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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