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Auríkr Biarnarson
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Auríkr is a Norse blacksmith living on the northern shores of Vinland. While under the direction of Leif Erikson, he helped establish a settlement in the new land.
Within the SCA, Auríkr resides in the Canton of Caldrithig, within the Barony of Skraeling Althing.
Arms: Sable, in pale three hammers Or between flaunches per fess rayonny Or and gules.
Current Office(s)
No offices currently being held.
Past Offices
- WebMinister, Barony of Skraeling Althing
SCA History
- Long standing member of the Caldrithig Choir (Sings bass and much more recently… tenor)
- Long standing member of the Caldrithig Instrumental Group (Plays the bass recorder… and sometimes soprano… sometimes tenor)
- Award of the Orion, November 16, 2013 (Blacksmithing, Sewing, Scribal Arts)
- Award of Arms, May 28, 2011
Auríkr lives with his love Marie l'Englois, a lady skilled in all things musical and sewing.
Contact Information
Please contact me by email.
External Links
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