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Arcill Bìodach


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Arcill resides in the Canton of Monadh, the westernmost Canton in Septentria, but can often be found at fencing practices all around the west end of Septentria, as well as in Ramshaven, Ben Dunfirth, and occasionally farther afield.


Arcill does not yet have arms or a badge.

Current Office(s)

Past Offices

Did you used to be an officer? Add your information here.

SCA History

Tell us a bit about your SCA life.



Other Activities

What else would you like people to know about you?

Contact Information

Arcill can be contacted via email or through the unofficial Ealdormere Discord server

Add a link to your blog or other external website.

You can use the populace badge if you do not have heraldry.
people/arcill_biodach.1727992726.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/03 21:58 by Arcill Bìodach

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