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Steinarr and Liðr

King Steinner, his back to the sunset, and Liðr, twice chosen.

Steinarr and Liðr held a series of Royal Einvigi tournaments at all local armored combat and fencing fight practices.

Reign Information

Served as: King and Queen

Date of Reign: April 25th, AS 49 - September 19th, AS 50 (2015)

Reign Period: Norse

Predecessors: Trumbrand III and Kaylah III

Successors: Quilliam III and Domhnail II


  • King's Champion: Duke Edward the Red
  • Queen's Champion: Lord Tristham Ovinra I Groffa
  • Fencing Champion: Lord Jobjorn Lethrablaka
history/royalty/steinarr_and_lidr.1477328127.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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