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Line of Adrielle

Duchess Adrielle was apprenticed to Mistress Dulcinea Maria Magdalena von Muhlberg Y Auguilar, OL, of the Midrealm.

Duchess Adrielle's apprentices are all members of House Arrochar.

Laurel-Apprentice Tree

Solid lines indicate laurel-apprentice relationships.

Mistress Adrielle
Mistress Wencenedl Mahhild Þorfinna Ersebet
Matilda Pesha Colyne

List of Names

Duchess Adrielle Kerrec, OL, OP is the head of this line.

Current and former apprentices of Duchess Adrielle

Apprentices of Mistress Wencenedl

  • Lady Aiobheal filia Baldricis
history/lineages/line_of_adrielle.1586268593.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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