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Tor Brant
The Stronghold of Tor Brant is located in the Barony of Skraeling Althing and claims the lands of Renfrew County, including the Town of Petawawa, Deep River and the City of Pembroke in the Ottawa Valley.
Origin of the Name
The name Tor Brant comes from the Scots-Gaelic “Tor”, meaning hill, and the germanic “Brant”, meaning sword. Tor Brant thus means “The Hill of Swords”. In the early days of the Stronghold, there was a close relationship with the local Canadian Forces Base that was home to the 2nd Special Service Force (SSF), which used a winged dagger as part of the Brigade patch. The name is a tribute to that relationship.
Tor Brant's device is said to be a depiction of the local climate: The chief represents a snow storm, while the white field is just that - a white field. The dragon in the center harkens back to the time when Tor Brant was part of the Middle Kingdom; This means that the arms of Tor Brant are basically a black furry dragon out for a walk in a snow storm.
Tor Brant was founded in A.S. 25 as the Canton of Tor Brant.
* Seneschal: Lady Brennait Bellfluer * Exchequer: Baron Raimund Constible * Pursuivant: (Vacant)