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Tor Brant

The Stronghold of Tor Brant (Renfrew County, including Pembroke) is located in the Barony of Skraeling Althing.

The Registered Arms of the Stronghold (via the Middle, 1991) are: Argent, a Dragon passant counter-ermine and in base a laurel wreath, a Chief Azure Platy

The meaning of the Device was explained at one time to be a depiction of the local climate. Argent to represent snow. A dragon to indicate that, at the time, the Stronghold was part of the Middle Kingdom, but furry to remind that it was cold in Tor Brant. The Chief is to indicate more snow. The wreath is an indication of a group and not an individual. This means that the arms of Tor Brant are basically a black furry dragon out for a walk in a snow storm.

The meaning of Tor Brant. Tor is a hill and Brant is a sword. So, a hill of swords. In the early days of the Stronghold, there was a close relationship with the local Canadian Forces Base. It was home to the 2nd Special Service Force (SSF), which used a winged dagger as part of the Brigade patch. The name is said to be a tribute to that relationship.



branches/stronghold/tor_brant.1435245087.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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